How to replace an existing Air Handling Unit in a very small space
Bringing in 100% Make Up Air into a building amounts to immense energy consumption and cost. Having the ability to recover energy from exhausted air in large scale applications results in lower energy consumptions and substantial cost savings. Although our first installation consisted of many pieces the assembly was straight forward. It is now nearing two years since this unit was commissioned and since then we have yet to have to make repairs or adjustments.
Moosomin Provincial Office Building
I can tell you that I could not be happier with the Daikin air handlers and Q-Pac fans and the way they operate.
I love how they are modular, quiet, efficient, and highly controllable. I'm so glad we decided to go this way!
I'm really happy with both the retro-fits of 2 & 6, and the new installs of 1, 5, 7. Moving forward we will continue to recommend this system, as we look to upgrade our other air handlers in the building.
In a time when designing sustainable buildings is of the utmost importance, having access to a technology such as TempEff that can maintain an efficiency of 90% is a great benefit. We have been able to utilize this technology on several designs and we have heard positive responses from our clients and facility operators. Also, the technical support provided by the team at HVAC Sales and TempEff have been very helpful during all phases of a project.
City of Regina Parks Yard Facility
Yorkton Civic Operations Center
During the design of the new Jim Pattison's Children's Hospital we were challenged to develop a filtration strategy that maximized efficiency while also help us control energy costs. The long service life, low pressure drop and effective filtration made the Dynamic VB's our choice for the project. The project team faced the additional challenge of a helicopter landing pad near the air intakes. The Dynamic filters, backed with active carbon, act as a final line of defense against potential issues.